Bespoke Coaching
Welcome. I’m Maia - a licensed psychotherapist and coach. Bespoke coaching sessions can be used either for what you want to create in your life or what you’re ready to shift or release.
Bespoke. These sessions are designed around your specific intention. I listen to what you need and in this way, the session is tailored to you. Session begins with setting a clear intention.
You can expect session to be a warm, safe, accepting, and non-pathologizing space. Rather than focusing on your “problems,” we will draw on your inherent strengths, gifts, and connection to greater Nature. These sessions use Dragonfly Medicine - gentle and powerful healing.
Clients often leave session feeling connected to their authentic power. With a sense of agency in their life. You may gain clarity and understanding. Or feel enhanced self-love, wholeness, and alignment. Many feel inspired by the possibilities available to them.
These sessions are geared toward those who want more than traditional talk therapy. Who are looking for deep, holistic healing. For mind, body, and soul. Coaching is distinct in focusing on how you are moving forward in your life. For those who feel stuck and are eager to address blocks. Ready to move beyond self-limits. These sessions are particularly helpful for those who are spiritually minded and take responsibility for their healing process. And who are seeking alignment and wholeness through alternative, holistic healing. These sessions are geared toward those who are seeking alignment and wholeness in their bodies, including nervous system and energetic healing.
Gentle and powerful. The medicine of Dragonfly beckons you to seek out the parts of your habits which you need to change.
Dragonfly Medicine
Techniques used in session
life coaching techniques to address blocks
internal family systems, parts work
active dreaming - clarifying what you want
addressing limiting beliefs & patterns
visioning & guided meditation
intuitive information that I pick up from you
cards, guides, archetypes
somatic, body based tools, mind-body connection
nervous system alignment
climate distress & eco-lifestyle coaching (Maia is a member of the Climate Coaching Alliance)
The essence of Dragonfly is communication with the elemental world. The elemental world is made up of plant spirits and air, earth, fire, and water. This elemental world is full of nature spirits.
Dragonfly Medicine
Though I am a licensed marriage & family therapist and will be using that education, knowledge, and experience, I will not be working under my license for these sessions. These sessions are not psychotherapy sessions, which focus on the past and healing traumas. These sessions are future-focused and include coaching to meet your desired intentions.
Coaching is distinct from psychotherapy in that it is future-focused. Psychotherapy tends to be past focused and addresses childhood issues. Coaching sessions are a collaborative and creative process that is intended to maximize the client’s personal and professional potential. Coaching focuses on setting goals, creating outcomes, and managing personal change. Coaching is a transformative process for personal and professional awareness, discovery, and growth. Therefore, this agreement makes clear that the services provided are Coaching services and do not constitute behavioral health treatment, counseling, or psychotherapy. A referral will be offered if these services are needed or requested.